What’s a landing page?
A landing page is a web page where your audience lands when searching for your brand online. For marketing and advertising purposes, landing pages are typically standalone pages that serve a clear objective such as collecting information from potential patients or promoting a new service.
Landing pages are divided into two different types: click-through and lead generation.
Click-through landing pages serve the purpose of promoting specific content whether that’s on the actual landing page or your website. This is a great option if you want to create audience awareness of a new service.
Lead generation landing pages serve the purpose of collecting information from potential patients. This is a great option if you want to collect names and contact information for potential patients so you can grow your patient base. It’s easy to take the information and use it in email or direct mail campaigns.
Analytics is one benefit of landing pages. Landing pages are often used as the end point of an online ad campaign. If a person clicks an ad on Facebook or Google, it will lead them to the landing page. Landing pages can collect tracking information about the people clicking your ads so you know who your audience is. It also tells you if your intended audience is not clicking ads, which lets you know to make adjustments to your ads.
Data collection, mentioned above, is a great benefit of landing pages, which are a targeted opportunity to collect information directly from your audience. Most landing pages collect contact information to build an audience for email or mail campaigns, but can also be used for other data collection. Maybe you want to poll your audience and get their opinions about a service?
Increased conversations are a main purpose of landing pages. Do you want more potential patients to make an appointment? A landing page can help potential patients complete an action such as giving you their information to be contacted later, scheduling an appointment or downloading a guide with important health information.
Brand awareness should be important to any business or organization because it helps solidify your brand with current and potential clients. Brands help create loyalty when used productively. Landing pages help with brand recognition. They should have the style, look and feel of your brand to help your audience recognize your brand.
Speak with your digital marketing team today about the possibilities of landing pages.