Why Is It So Difficult to Fill a Position?
Finding the right candidate for your open job position can be challenging. But why? You hear the unemployment numbers on the news; you would think if you have a job to offer, it should be no problem at all to find the one to fill it. The reason is many HR representatives are searching for perfection. They want the candidate that has it all, even though that person doesn’t really exist. Below are several tips to help you find the best and most realistic candidate.
Prioritize your most important qualities
Narrow down your top three soft skills related to the company culture and the top three technical skills necessary to get the job done. While you can list as many skills and qualities as you’d like, keep your list of “must-haves” in the front of your mind during while evaluating candidates.
Be open to candidates who are changing industries
Maybe you have an open position for a front desk job, and you have a candidate who has customer service experience but has never worked in the health care industry. While there are essential components of working in health care that a candidate needs to know (HIPAA, etc.), consider what they have learned in their experience. Do they demonstrate empathy, strong communication and exceptional organization skills? HIPAA law can be learned; qualities like those listed above are more inherent to a candidate.
Minimize position vacancy duration
Do not leave applicants you’re interested in hanging while waiting for something better to come along or you’ll end up missing out on perfectly decent potential employees. While you also shouldn’t settle for a candidate with obvious red flags, your priority should be to fill the position seamlessly, keeping in close communication with qualified candidates. Leaving a position empty for extended periods of time can also harm your brand if patient needs aren’t being fulfilled.
What challenges do you face when it comes to filling positions? Share in the comments below.