Making Technology a Top Priority in Your Practice
In a health care setting, patients are your top priority. This goes without saying; you need to keep them happy and provide top-notch care, so they will keep coming back and spread the word about their positive experience to others.
You do have other obligations, however. This may surprise you, but it’s imperative you make technology a top priority in your practice. You really couldn’t function without it, and if you don’t invest in the latest technology, you’ll feel the impact where it matters most: feedback from your patients.
The Importance of Technology
Technology is ever evolving; if you don’t keep up with the times, you run the risk of becoming obsolete. Think about it: if your staff still relied on ancient Smith-Corona typewriters while your competition utilized swift and speedy MacBooks, who do you think patients would choose to book their appointments with? The same holds true for Rolodexes, calculators and wall calendars. They all had their time and place, but in today’s fast-paced world, they no longer cut it.
It may be a pain to invest in upgraded technology, what with the additional costs involved, not to mention the learning curve associated with training employees on new systems and business methods. But in the long run, it’s crucial to the success of your practice.
Consider this: according to one business publication, more than 88 percent of Fortune 500 companies that failed to embrace changes in the workplace, including investment in updated technology, over the last 63 years went out of business.[1] Are you convinced yet?
Technology is your friend. You’ll reap cost savings by eliminating tedious manual work, freeing up your employees to focus on other tasks that are better revenue generators. Whether you’re investing in an improved patient portal, reliable EMR system or better software, the improved efficiency technology provides is a win/win for everybody; you can divert your resources to plug any holes in your systems or processes, and your patients benefit from improved care.
What are you waiting for?
[1] (2018). Retrieved 9 July 2018, from