Motivating Employees Over the Holidays
The holidays are a joyous time for many, filled with wonder and good cheer. They’re also busy; there are gifts to purchase, meals to cook, and parties to attend. All of these can prove stressful and distracting to employees. Keeping them motivated during the holiday season will help ensure there is no drop in productivity as you race toward meeting year-end goals.
Four Ways to Boost Employee Engagement
In order to keep holiday spirits up and work flowing normally, employers should make an effort to recognize the hard work their staff puts in this time of year. The following tips will help.
- Provide incentives for longer hours. Many companies are on a tight deadline to wrap up work before the holidays; this might require employees to put in extra time during an already-busy season. Be sure to acknowledge and reward their efforts through simple gestures like personalized cards and small gifts, or if your budget allows, extra pay or additional time off.
- Have a holiday celebration. Some employers might feel that holiday parties aren’t worth the effort and expense, but research shows that most employees appreciate them. You don’t have to pull out all the stops; even a simple office potluck gives you an opportunity to sit down together and share a meal. Research shows this improves engagement and job satisfaction by 11 percent. If you do go the more traditional route, be sure to set proper expectations prior to the event in order to avoid potentially uncomfortable situations.
- Express your gratitude. You might assume that your staff knows you appreciate them, but making an effort to recognize their hard work through an expression of gratitude can be a real morale-booster. Research shows that only one in five employees feels strongly valued at work, but 40 percent would put in extra effort if their accomplishments were recognized more often.
- Promote volunteerism. The holidays inspire generosity and giving; take advantage of this good spirit by providing employees with options for charitable donation this time of year. Doing so helps improve morale, increase job satisfaction and engagement and leads to better retention rates. Plus, it creates positive word-of-mouth about your company.